
2023年10月4日—1.ViaWindowsPowerManagement·SelectPowerOption.·ClickonChoosewhatthepowerbuttonsdooptionfromtheleftpane.·Clickthedrop-down ...,2023年10月4日—PressthekeyboardcombinationAlt+F4.SelectingSleep'fromShutDownmenu.ChooseSleepandyourPCscreenwillturnoffimmediately.4.,1.GotoDesktoporyourhomescreen.·2.PressAlt+F4onyourkeyboard.·3.Nowchoose'Sleep'from'Whatdoyouwantthecomputertodo?'drop-downme...

4 Quick Ways to Turn Off a Monitor With The Keyboard

2023年10月4日 — 1. Via Windows Power Management · Select Power Option. · Click on Choose what the power buttons do option from the left pane. · Click the drop-down ...

7 Ways to Quickly Turn Off Your Screen in Windows

2023年10月4日 — Press the keyboard combination Alt + F4 . Selecting Sleep' from Shut Down menu. Choose Sleep and your PC screen will turn off immediately. 4.

7 Ways to Quickly Turn Your Windows Screen Off

1.Go to Desktop or your home screen. · 2.Press Alt + F4 on your keyboard. · 3.Now choose 'Sleep' from 'What do you want the computer to do?' drop-down menu. · 4.

How to Create a Shortcut to turn off display at Once in ...

2023年12月18日 — Method: How to turn the screen off by shortcut in Windows. Step 1: Go to desktop. Right-click on desktop background. Select “New” and click “ ...

How to Turn Off Monitor Display in Windows 111087 ...

2024年1月29日 — We have pressed the D key from the keyboard, and the window has assigned Ctrl + Alt + D shortcut key. Finally, click Apply and then the OK ...

Make a shortcut to turn off display but not go to sleep?

2020年7月3日 — Right-click on the battery icon on taskbar, click Power Options, click Change what the power buttons do, then change the settings as ...

The Quickest Ways to Turn Your Screen Off in Windows

2023年1月26日 — How to Make the Screen Turn Off Automatically in Windows 11. To make Windows 11 turn your monitor off, go to Start > Settings > System > Power > ...

BlackTop 1.0 - 螢幕節能幫手,就是要黑畫面!

BlackTop 1.0 - 螢幕節能幫手,就是要黑畫面!
